Health Tourism definition                                                          

Health tourism is defined as traveling abroad to obtain medical treatment in another country. One reason that people travel abroad is lack of treatment methods in the home country. Moreover, in some cases traveling abroad to obtain treatment is more economical. Since medical treatment in Iran is low in price as it is compared to other western countries and high quality medical services are provided in Iran, Razi Hospital will be recognized as a medical tourist hub to attract European and Asian patients especially patients from neighboring countries. International patients' reception in Razi Hospital is prepared by International Reception Department and this process is done from the time patients arrive to the hospital or even before their arrival. Stablishing an International Patient Department (IPD) means that all procedures related to international patients including non-hospitalized patients, reception, hospitalization, and patient discharge will be determined and confirmed there. In this department, there are some language experts who are fluent in different languages; All information has been sent to the hospital by the patients themselves or their agents, so the language experts transfer calls and information of patients to the head of department. After observing and considering the information, necessary actions will be taken to refer patients to the special wards of the hospital to obtain necessary medical treatment. All medical services provided to international patients are different form normal services in the hospital and VIP medical services are provided. There are some interpreters working longtime in this department to provide services for patients and their family or friends.

International Patients' Department in Razi Hospital will support patients since their arrival. This companionship starts at airport and it will continue during the time the patients are in hospital. After finishing the diagnosis and treatment steps, transferring procedures are predicted for the patient and his/her family or friends. An expert in International Patients' Department will help you to register aiming at accelerating the processes of summarizing, collecting and recording your personal information and medical records needed for information system of the hospital. If you need food, clothing or a special thing, inform the IPD expert. He/she will help you to feel comfort during your hospital stay. Doctors, care workers and nurses work in this ward and they will teach you necessary treatment methods to speed your recovery. Therefore, after returning to your home country you will be able to follow your treatment plan. After completing your treatment and spending time for recovery, final clinical examinations will be done and in case of need, a comprehensive schedule will be provided to determine you next referrals.

Travel Planning

In Razi Hospital International Patients' Department (IPD), a travel planning will be provided according to the patients' request. So, the patient determines the time limit and based on his/her medical needs, all necessary works are coordinated, and his/her journey will be set in a way that all needed services will be provided in shortest time and with best quality.

Face-to-Face and Online Consulting

Experts in Razi Hospital International Patients' Department (IPD) are always ready to give an answer and guide you.

An interpreter is always there for you

In the Razi Hospital hotel, you will not have any problems in communicating. International Patients' Department staffs who are fluent in speaking different languages will be there for you if you need them full-time. They will help you during your treatment.

Travel tours

Razi Hospital aims to make a memorable travel for international patients. By providing interesting tours such as desert tourism activities and so on, different travel agencies try to introduce tourism attractions of Iran, especially South Khorasan Province and through this, patients will have unique memories of their journey to Iran meanwhile they receive health recovery services.



 Initial admission form 

استمارة تقدیم المقترحات الانتقادات                                                        
 استبیان عن مدى رضا المرضى الأجانب الراقدین                                       


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